The British School of Meditation Blog


The positive effects of David Hamilton PhD

The positive effects of David Hamilton PhD

When you have completed your training with us, you have an opportunity to stay in touch and join us at our CPD events.  We have quite an extensive CPD (continuous professional development) programme for our graduates and students as we are passionate about providing support and development to help your business grow.

The most popular event within our calendar is always the one where we invite David Hamilton PhD to share his knowledge about the research that demonstrates the power we have to effect positive changes to our own health and wellbeing.

If you haven’t heard of David, we highly recommend you check him out!  His background is in organic chemistry and he previously worked in the pharmaceutical industry, in particular with developing drugs for cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Nowadays, he is a writer, columnist and speaker, and his 12th book will be published during July.  His books cover subjects from the mind-body connection, self-love /self-esteem, as well as kindness.  In fact, his latest book looks at the art of science of kindfulness – the ability to mindfully cultivate kindness and compassion.

David is an engaging speaker – in the sessions, he brings the latest research and explains it in a fun and interesting way.  He also shares anecdotes which always bring a smile and giggle to us too.  Beyond this, he is the embodiment of what he discusses.  Kindness not only shines through his discussions, it is present in the way he speaks and conducts himself too.

During the recent event, David showed us how we are genetically wired for kindness and the body will respond positively to it.  In particular, it can be cardio-protective, as well as counteracting the effects of stress.  Kindness can also slow down our ageing process, as well as toning the vagus nerve to reduce inflammation.

One of the most popular meditation practices for cultivating compassion and kindness, and for brining mind-body benefits, is known as ‘loving-kindness’.  This buddhist meditation, sometimes known as metta, uses open phrases to cultivate compassion towards yourself and others.   Within these open-phrases you are expressing wishes of benevolence, friendliness, goodwill, love, kindness and compassion.  It is a radical act of gift giving to yourself as well as others.

Whilst discussing the amazing benefits, David encouraged us to practice the meditation with him.  Approaching the meditation with the knowledge of the positive benefits to the body, made for an incredible experience.  In fact, at the end of the meditation, the generosity of sprit amongst the attendees was palpable.

David told us that when we feel that way, we are more likely to share that feeling with others, which will result in them feeling good.  And those who feel good, will share that feeling with others too, creating a wonderful kindness ripple effect.

When we reached the end of the CPD event, we all felt uplifted and good.  In fact, no one wanted to move!  That’s the effect that David can have on you!  Kindness is certainly his super-power.

If you would like to find out more about David, and purchase his latest book, his website is: tps://

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The British School of Meditation has been established to train teachers in meditation techniques to meet the  growing demand for highly trained and accredited meditation teachers throughout the UK including: the Midlands, South West, Wales, North West, North East, London and the South East.

@ 2020 by British School of Meditation

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